What is Batch processing?
Batch processing is a method of handling a large amount of data or tasks all at once, rather than individually or in real time. It involves grouping the data or tasks into batches and processing them together as a single unit. This approach is efficient because it reduces the overhead associated with processing each item separately. Batch processing is commonly used in various fields, such as data analysis, computer programming, and data entry, where large volumes of data need to be processed in a systematic and automated manner.
Features available for Batch processing
Eden AI Batch processing is available for all Eden AI synchronous features:
audio: text_to_speech
image: anonymization, explicit_content, face_detection, generation, landmark_detection, logo_detection, object_detection
OCR: identity_parser, ocr, financial_parser, resume_parser
text: anonymization, chat, code_generation, embeddings, generation, keyword_extraction, moderation, named_entity_recognition, sentiment_analysis, spell_check, summarize, topic_extraction
translation: automatic_translation, document_translation, language_detection
How to use Batch processing?
You can access the API reference to perform batch processing requests. Batch processing is an asynchronous API, so you need first to do a POST request that contains all the data that you want to process (text or file URLs). Here is a Python sample code:
import json
import requests
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer your_API_key"}
url="https://api.edenai.run/v2/text/sentiment_analysis/batch/test/" payload = {
"requests": [
"text": "It's -25 outside and I am so hot.",
"language": "en",
"providers": "google"
"text": "Overall I am satisfied with my experience at Amazon, but two areas of major improvement needed.",
"language": "en",
"providers": "google"
response = requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=headers) print(response.text)
In the example, we did a batch request for sentiment analysis. Depending on the sub-feature you want to use, you need to modify the URL: https://api.edenai.run/v2/{feature}/{subfeature}/batch/{name}/
Then you can set up in "requests" the different calls you want to process with all the parameters required for the sub-feature you use.
This POST API request will return you the ID of the request ({name} or a generated ID if you did not define {name}.
You can then access the results with a GET request:
url = "https://api.edenai.run/v2/text/sentiment_analysis/batch/test/"
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer your_API_key"}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)